Poetry in Romanian
Rodica Draghincescu: EU-genía (I-genia). Poems. Vinea, Bucharest,
ISBN 973-9294-84-7
A collection of long poems, marking up a new
direction in Rodica Draghincescu's poetry. In Romania, 'EU-genía' was
the poetry book of the year 2000. In Germany, Edition Solitude
published in 2001 'Phenomenology of the Winged Gender', a collection
of verseses based on 'EU-genía'.

Rodica Draghincescu: Ah! Poems. Vinea, Bucharest, 1998.
ISBN 973-9294-31-6
'No matter if she writes poems with a textual
touch, if she traces a path through the biographical jungle, if she
throws (im)possible loves into our sight (and forces us to read with
several pairs of glasses) or if she really offers us 'texts with
cranks and butterflies', in everything she writes Rodica Draghincescu
is true to her own self. With her whole person she breathes an
authentic poetry. She is much more than one of the leaders of the new
generation, which captivated the public interest as 'The Generation of
the Nineties'. She became famous as a creator of a singular universe.
In fact poetry runs in her blood and she succeeded by taking the front
door to step into the arena of today’s outstanding Romanian lyrics.'
(Niolae Tone, Preface to the anthology 'Ah!')

Rodica Draghincescu: Obiect de lux ascutit pe ambele parti
(Object of Luxury Sharpened on Both Sides). Poems. Cartea Romaneasca, Bucharest, 1997.
ISBN 973-23-0592-4
'Entirely remarkable: the lexical power and
the untamed perception of this rebelling poetess, who in her fury
tries to convince us that charm itself was meant to compromise
femininity.' (Mircea Bârsila, 'Calende', 1997)

Rodica Draghincescu: Fiecare avem sub pat niste
fotografii de care ne este rusine (Everybody Has Some Photos under
His Bed He Is Ashamed of'). Marineasa, Timisoara, 1995.
ISBN 973-821-135-1-1
'Written with the nerves of a pamphleteer and
the shamelessness of a surgeon, as if proposing us to uncover the
collective subconscious full of photographs we are ashamed of, Rodica
Draghincescu’s poems cut your breath. (Mariana Codrut, 'Orizont',

Rodica Draghincescu: Aproape cald (Nearly
Warm). Poems. Plumb, Bacau, 1993.
'Originally, Rodica Draghincescu feeds on the
sources of sincerity. A fact clearly to be seen in her first poetry
volume. There are to be read experiences in confession activated by
the mythical plus. And not only these, but first of all the disposal
of a keen sensibility to conceive the act of writing as a
hallucinating cruel experience, which enables her to confess totally
and to empty her whole interior by repeatedly trying out this process
so strange like exorcism. (Aurel Pantea, 'Aporstrof', 1997)

Gérard Blua: Ondine. Poems. Translated
from French by Rodica Draghincescu. Brumar,
Timisoara, 2001.
ISBN 973-8057-47-7
Poems of the French writer Gérard Blua in Romanian translation.