

Ortenberg in Hessen, Germany

ortenberg, november 12, 2004
At the invitation of the German writer Karlhans Frank, poetry reading in German and French in Ortenberg, Hessen, Germany.


Centre International de Poésie Marseille

marseille, sept. 27 - oct. 3, 2004
Presentation of the book of interviews 'Entretiens avec Rodica Draghincescu' (Éditions Autres Temps, Marseille, 2004) at different locations in France. Oktober 1: Rodica Draghincescu - Michel Butor - Jean Orizet - Gérard Blua at the Centre International de Poésie, Marseille.


Poesie aus der Stadt, Stuttgart 2004

stuttgart, june 18, 2004
The 'Literaturhaus' is guest in Wilhelmspalais Stuttgart: 'Poetry of the City - A conversation in poems'. The authors Nico Bleutge, Volker Demuth, Rodica Draghincescu, Carmen Kotarski, Klaus F. Schneider and Ulf Stolterfoht try to find a network of correspondences and to bring their poems into an order of voices and countervoices. Presentation: Florian Höllerer.
Website Literaturhaus Stuttgart
Website Wilhelmspalais Stuttgart


Petra Neganekögel and Rodica Draghincescu

Salzburg, Mai 19, 2004
Poetry reading at Literaturhaus Salzburg, together with the writer Hans Lutsch. Presentation: Petra Nagenkögel, PROLIT Salzburg.
Website Literaturhaus Salzburg


Die Kogge 80

bremen, march 24, 2004
During the 80th anniversary of the European Writer's Union 'Die Kogge', reading at the Günter Grass Foundation with Heinz Ratz (Peru), Martin Ziegler (France), Rodica Draghincescu (Romania), Zsuzsana Gahse (Hungary). Moderation: Rumjana Zacharieva (Bulgaria). Introduction: Dr. Narciss Göbbel.

Entretiens avec Rodica Draghincescu

Marseille, February 15, 2004.
Éditions Autres Temps publish after 'Distance entre un homme habillé et une femme telle qu'elle est', 2001, and 'Fauve en liberté', 2003, the book of interviews 'Entretiens avec Rodica Draghincescu'. She interviewed in the last few years ten personalities of the European literature and culture: Gérard Blua, Yves Bonnefoy, Michel Butor, Kurt Drawert, Guy Goffette, Yves di Manno, Jean Orizet, Serge Pey, Eginald Schlattner, Dieter Schlesak. Previews of these interviews have been published in the French magazine 'Poésie/première' as well as in the Romanian magazines 'România Literara' and 'Vatra'.


Rodica Draghincescu & Michel Biehler

Stuttgart, February 8, 2004
Rodica Draghincescu's Poetry reading at Kultur am Kelterberg in Stuttgart, Germany, during the art exhibition 'Vielfalt!' ('Diversity!'). Musical accompaniment: Michel Biehler, accordion. Moderation: Ursula Schwarzenbeck. (In image: Rodica Draghincescu and Michel Biehler.)


Rodica Draghincescu & Rudi Krausmann, Wien 2004

Vienna, February 2, 2004.
Rodica Draghincescu's book 'Morgen und Abend' presented at the 'Literarisches Quartier' in Vienna, together with books of Paul Jaeg (Gosau), Hanno Millesi (Wien), and Rudi Krausmann (Sydney). (In image: Rodica Draghincescu and Rudi Krausmann.)


Les nouvelles poetes français et francophones

paris, january 12, 2004
Presentation of the anthology 'Les nouveaux poètes français et francophones' at Sorbonne. Authors: Camille Aubaude, Alain Breton, Patrick Da Silva, Philippe Di Folco, Hélène Dorion, Rodica Draghincescu, Patrick Dubost, Bruno Grégoire, Emmanuel Hiriart, Laurent Margantin, Alain Rochat, Sandrine Rotil-Tiefenbach, Jean-Claude Tardif, François Xavier, Carole Zalbergin, and others. Edited by Jean-Luc Favre si Matthias Vincenot for Jean-Pierre Huguet, éditeur. Jean-Pierre Huguet (in French)

Sandrine Rotil-Tiefenbach - Rodica Draghincescu

paris, december 20, 2003
The magazine 'Poésie 1/Vagabondages', edited by Marcel Jullian and Jean Orizet for teh publishing house 'le cherche midi', Paris, publishes the article 'Rodica Draghincescu: Roumanie en clair-obscur, la France au fond du coeur'. The author of the article, Sandrine Rotil-Tiefenbach, is a writer herself. Le cherche midi (in French)

Passage d'Encres, Fragment

Paris, december 4, 2003
Presentation of the new issue 19/20 ('LITTERAlement') of the literary magazine 'Passage d'encres' at the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris, together with Salah Stétié, Camille Aubaude, Laurent Bayart, Cristina Castello, Sandrine Rotil-Tiefenbach, Pavel Semtchenko, François Xavier, Jalal Alavinia. François Xavier about the presentation (in French)

Rodica Draghincescu, Berengere Thomas, Metz, 2003

Metz, november 26-29, 2003
R.D. at the 'Festival de la Poésie Urbaine' in Metz, France, together with the writers Jean Orizet, Camille Aubaude, François Xavier, Frédéric Vignale, Mario Salis, Edoardo Sanguinetti, and others. (In image: Rodica Draghincescu and Bérengère Thomas during a meeting with children at a school in Metz.)
Festival de la Poésie Urbaine (in French)

Rodica Draghincescu, Minden, 2003

Minden, september 26-27, 2003
'Poetry in Europe': poetry reading at the German Writer's Organization 'Die Kogge' in Minden, Germany. Together with the poets
Tina Strohecker (Germany), Malgorzata Ploszewska (Poland), and Rumjana Zacharieva (Bulgaria). The reading took place in a supermarket... (In image: R.D. signing on vegetables.)

Rodica Draghincescu, Michel de Maulne, Theatre Moliere, Paris, 2003

Paris, september 16, 2003
'Festival d'écritures contemporaines Territoires d'Orphée': Poetry evening at the Théâtre Molière/ Maison de la Poésie, Paris, with Rodica Draghincescu and the actress Sabeline Amaury. Dialogue on stage between R.D. and Michel de Maulne, the director of the Théâtre Molière. (In image: R.D. and Michel de Maulne.)
Théâtre Molière (in French)

Rodica Draghincescu, Days of Poetry and Wine, Medana 2003

Medana, august 26-30, 2003
R.D. participates at the 7th Festival 'Days of Poetry and Wine' in Medana, Slovenia. Together with the writers Sebastian Alzamora (Spain), Fabio Franzin (Italy), Mihail Galatanu (Romania), Hendrik Jackson, Jan Koneffke (Germany), Kerry Shawn Keys (USA), Sabina Naef (Switzerland). (In image: R.D. during a recital in Medana.)
The site of the Festival (in English, Italian, and Slovenian)

Rüdiger Fischer, Rodica Draghincescu, Stuttgart, 2003

Stuttgart, mai 10, 2003
Presentation of R.D.'s new book in German, 'Morgen und Abend' (Ithaka Verlag, 2003), during the Book Fair ('Buch- und Medienmeile') in Stuttgart, Germany. Poetry reading with R.D. and her translator from French into German, Rüdiger Fischer. (In image: Rüdiger Fischer and Rodica Draghincescu reading poetry in German and French.)
'Morgen und Abend', a book review by Rudolf Kraus (in German)

Kultur am Kelterberg, Stuttgart

Stuttgart, february 9, 2003
Poetry reading in Artist's House 'Kultur am Kelterberg' in Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany. Presentation: Sergiu Stefanescu, Ithaka Verlag Stuttgart. (In image: the old tower of the Kelterberg House.)
'Kultur am Kelterberg'

Rodica Draghincescu, Hausach, 2002

Hausach, november 17, 2002
'Sprachmagie & sprachgebiete' ('The Magic and the Geography of Language'): Literary Festival 'LeseLenz' in Hausach, Black Forrest, Germany. Rodica Draghincescu reads her poems in German, French, and Romanian. Presentation: Sergiu Stefanescu, Ithaka Publishing House, Stuttgart. (In image: Rodica Draghincescu reading in Hausach.)
The 'LeseLenz'

Wilhelmspalais Stuttgart

Stuttgart, octomber 17, 2002
'Eros and Thanatos': R.D. reads love poems and prose in the Public Library of the City of Stuttgart (Wilhelmspalais), Germany, together with the writers and translators Dieter Schlesak and Helmut Seiler. (In image: the Wilhelmspalais, Stuttgart.)

Donaufest, Ulm 2002

Ulm, july 11-12, 2002
Invitation to the Festival 'Internationales Donaufest' in Ulm/ Neu-Ulm, Germany, together with the writers Catalin Dorian Florescu, Eginald Schlattner, Oskar Pastior, Georg Aescht. Moderation: Dr. Thomas Rietzschel, 'Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung'.
'Siebenbürgische Zeitung online' about the Festival (in German)

Manuskripte, Graz

Graz, june 26, 2002
Poetry reading in German, French, and Romanian at the Theaterhaus in Graz, Austria. R.D. invited by the literary magazine 'Manuskripte'. Presentation: the Austrian writer Alfred Kolleritsch, director of 'Manuskripte'.

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